
We are a Korean restaurant and barbeque located in Mannerheimintie 68, Helsinki.

Korean food is famous for healthy and good nutriance balance.
Chef Younghwa came from South Korea to Finland in 2015. She is excellent chef who was running restaurants in Korea as well.
Come and enjoy tasty and trendy Korean food!

Chef Younghwa


Kimchi is spicy fermented cabbage, kind of like German sauerkraut, but with Korean flavors — garlic, ginger & chili. Kimchi is the heart and soul of Korean cooking. And it's tasty with so many things!


Kimchi ingredients

But the best thing about kimchi? Kimchi is alive! Full of living, healthy good bacteria, or probiotics, that boost immunity, energize body and aid digestion. It's believed to fight cancer, lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. Let's eat kimchi today!

Kimchi Ingredients


040 842 6056

041 311 3146


Mannerheimintie 68, Helsinki